Terms & Conditions

Company: CB Design BVBA
Commercial Name: Christine Bekaert Jewelry (www.christinebekaert.com)
Company Address: Charles de Kerchovelaan 365, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Showroom Address: Karel Lodewijk Maenhoutstraat 39, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium
Company Number: BE 0887 042 135
E-Mailaddress: info@christinebekaert.com
1. Application
Each order applies as acceptance by the Buyer of our general terms and conditions, which constitute an integral part of the agreement, to the exclusion of all other general or special terms and conditions coming from the Buyer, unless expressly stipulated to the contrary in writing.
2. Offers and acceptance of the order
All of our offers are without engagement. We are only bound by an order after we have confirmed it in writing or after we have begun working on its execution. The information about the products and the pricing, as well as the detailed order information, is drawn up and communicated under reservation of change and correction.
3. Delivery
Products are only delivered in the countries for which the website indicates that delivery can be made. As far as possible the delivery of products will be made within the period that is indicated in the individual order confirmation. Erroneously communicated delivery addresses are the responsibility of the Buyer and can give rise to extra costs. Unless otherwise stipulated, our prices do not include the transport and delivery of the goods to the Buyer. The transport and delivery costs are stated separately. The mentioned delivery periods are not binding, but are given merely as an indication. Possible delays in delivery may under no circumstances give rise to cancellation of the purchase or to the payment of damages to the benefit of the Buyer, except in the event of intentional delay. We reserve the right to make partial deliveries. In the event of non-delivery of the goods, any sums paid by the Buyer shall be reimbursed without interest or other compensation. Deliveries in Belgium will be between 1 to 10 business days or more, if for any unknowable reason it should take longer, we will contact the customer. In Belgium, shipping costs are free for orders starting at 60 EUR and above.
4. Reservation of title
The delivered goods remain our property until full payment of the price, including all costs, charges, late-payment interest and compensations. In the event of non-payment we reserve the right to take back the goods, ipso jure and at the Buyer´s expense.
5. Complaints
Complaints must be reported by e-mail, to info@christinebekaert.com or by telephone before anything is sent back. Goods returned otherwise will not be accepted. The goods can be sent afterwards in the event of latent defects, within 48 hours after discovery of the defect or after the time when such discovery could reasonably have taken place. The acceptance of the goods by the Buyer covers any possible defect or non-conformity which could have been determined at that time. In the event of return, the shipping costs are borne by the buyer. Never throw away the packaging, before you have concluded that your order is complete and in the desired state. Returning a received damaged product, should always be done in consultation with a representative of Tikli Jewelry. Never return a product on your own initiative.
6. Warranty
Our warranty is limited to the guarantee for latent defects and the guarantee in the event of consumer sale, both provided for in the Civil Code. We are only responsible for damage which is the result of intent or gross error. We are not liable for general or special indirect damage, of whatever kind, suffered by the Buyer.
7. Right of renunciation
Within the framework of the remote sale to consumers falling within the scope of application of the Act of 14 July 1991, the consumer has the right to communicate to the seller that he renounces the purchase, without payment of a penalty and without needing to give a reason, within seven working days from the day following the delivery. In the event that the consumer invokes this possibility, he must send the goods back at his own risk and expense to Tikli Jewelry in Ghent. Goods which are specifically designed for the Buyer or which can degrade quickly are not taken back, and the Buyer thus cannot avail himself of the renunciation clause.
8. Force majeure
We are not liable for a delay in the execution or for a non-execution of our obligations due to events beyond our normal control, such as production interruptions, difficulties with the supply or shortages of raw materials, workers, energy or transport or delays in transport, strikes, lock-outs, work stoppages or other collective labour disputes, which affect either ourselves or our suppliers, and this even if these events are foreseeable.
9. Prices and payment
The invoices are payable at our registered office, Tikli Jewelry, on the due date, net without discount, unless stated otherwise on the invoice. To be receivable, any complaint concerning the invoices must be formulated in detail by registered letter within three (3) days after receipt of the invoice. In the event of overdue payments, interest will be charged at the rate of 1 % per month on the outstanding invoice amounts, ipso jure and without any preliminary formal notice of default being necessary, as of the invoice date. In the event of non-payment and if a reminder sent by ordinary letter has remained without effect for 14 days, in addition to this a lump-sum compensation will be owed in the amount of 10 % of the outstanding amounts. For any complete or partial non-payment of an invoice on the due date or any other breach by the Buyer of his obligations under the agreement, we reserve the right, ipso jure and without notice of default, to suspend the execution of all agreements with the Buyer or to terminate them with immediate effect, without the need for any judicial intervention, as well as to demand immediate payment of all debts, even those not yet due, or to make the delivery only in exchange for cash payment, notwithstanding earlier agreements and without prejudice to any other rights that we can enforce. The failure to take immediate action against a fault of the Buyer may under no circumstances be regarded as a waiver on our part of the right to invoke this fault at a later time.
10. Personal details
By ordering on the website of Christine Bekaert Jewelry, the Buyer expressly agrees to the processing and use of his/her personal details for purposes such as the administration of the customer database, the management of the orders, deliveries and invoices, the monitoring of solvency, marketing and advertising. The processing for marketing purposes and the individualised advertising takes place only if the customer has expressly granted his approval during the ordering process. Tikli Jewelry may not turn over the details to third parties. The Buyer has the right to inspect and correct all details relating to him. The Buyer has at all times the right to object, at no expense, to the processing for direct marketing purposes. For more information, the Buyer is invited to consult the public register maintained by the Privacy Protection Commission in Brussels. In case of any irregularities or errors in the provides address-, billing- or other personal information, Tikli Jewelry is not liable for the customers inability to meet its obligations. People aged younger than 18, must use this webshop in supervision of a parent or guardian.
11. Proof
All Parties accept electronic proof (for example: e-mail, backups, etc.) within the framework of their relations.
12. Severability 
If one article of these conditions should be declared to be null and void, such invalidity will not affect the validity of the other articles.
13. Applicable law
All agreements concluded with the Seller are governed by Belgian law. The Belgian courts have exclusive jurisdiction. These terms and conditions are not applicable on purchases of our products through other channels than provided by www.christinebekaert.com.
De openingsuren zijn telkens 10.30-18.00 en dit van woensdag tot zaterdag.